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Personalized lessons ensure you “get it” before moving on.
Lessons focus on your classwork, as well as preparing for important tests, quizzes and other assignments.
Highly experienced calculus staff who are passionate about sharing their knowledge.
Our shared goal is you earning top grades in your calculus class.
We set you up quickly, work within your schedule, and there’s no monthly commitment or “membership”.
We've helped 50,000 students since the 1990's, and have grown through returning customers and referrals.
Our carefully screened calculus staff are StudyPoint employees, not sub-contractors or 1099s.
We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every student is unique, and our programs are tailored to match their distinct learning style.
Our customer satisfaction speaks for itself, and rivals top brands like Apple and Amazon.
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“I like to have fun with my students, sometimes using a Staples Easy Button during a lesson. Students love to hear the words, "That was easy!"
Hard-working and driven but easy-going with students, Miki gets along with everyone. A graduate of UCLA with a BS in applied mathematics, Miki also received his MA in applied mathematics from California State University at Fullerton. After graduating from college, he worked as an actuarial assistant in the pension benefits industry before becoming a quality analyst, quality engineer, and quality assurance manager in the plastics manufacturing industry. Currently, he tutors part-time, day trades in the stock market, and delivers for Doordash.
Miki started teaching and tutoring after leaving the plastics manufacturing industry and moving from California to Colorado. “I love working one-on-one with students to achieve their academic goals and full potential,” he reports. He has accumulated more than thousands of hours of experience tutoring hundreds of students in 5th through 12th grade in the following subjects: pre-algebra, algebra, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus, as well as PSAT, SAT, ACT, ISEE, and SSAT prep. His teaching method is to keep it simple and stick to the basics using an intuitive, common-sense approach to learning.
Read MoreMiki loves the outdoors, especially in Colorado, and makes a point to climb at least one or more of the “fourteeners” each year. So far, he’s climbed Mt. Elbert, Mt. Bierstadt, Quandary Peak, Mt. Democrat, and Torrey’s Peak. He also loves to create zany, humorous cartoons (you can find them at, which are similar to the offbeat Far Side cartoons by Gary Larson. Miki was named Tutor of the Year for the Colorado/Texas region in 2013 and in 2014 by our in-home tutoring brand, StudyPoint.
Read LessHard-working and driven but easy-going with students, Miki gets along with everyone. A graduate of UCLA with a BS in applied mathematics, Miki also received his MA in applied mathematics from California State University at Fullerton. After graduating from college, he worked as an actuarial assistant in the pension benefits industry before becoming a quality analyst, quality engineer, and quality assurance manager in the plastics manufacturing industry. Currently, he tutors part-time, day trades in the stock market, and delivers for Doordash.
Miki started teaching and tutoring after leaving the plastics manufacturing industry and moving from California to Colorado. “I love working one-on-one with students to achieve their academic goals and full potential,” he reports. He has accumulated more than thousands of hours of experience tutoring hundreds of students in 5th through 12th grade in the following subjects: pre-algebra, algebra, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus, as well as PSAT, SAT, ACT, ISEE, and SSAT prep. His teaching method is to keep it simple and stick to the basics using an intuitive, common-sense approach to learning.
Read MoreMiki loves the outdoors, especially in Colorado, and makes a point to climb at least one or more of the “fourteeners” each year. So far, he’s climbed Mt. Elbert, Mt. Bierstadt, Quandary Peak, Mt. Democrat, and Torrey’s Peak. He also loves to create zany, humorous cartoons (you can find them at, which are similar to the offbeat Far Side cartoons by Gary Larson. Miki was named Tutor of the Year for the Colorado/Texas region in 2013 and in 2014 by our in-home tutoring brand, StudyPoint.
Read Less"I work with a lot of special education students, and they rise to the same level as everyone else in the class..."
Louise graduated from the University of Virginia, where she majored in computer science and minored in math. She decided that she wanted to do something that made a difference. According to Louise, "I found out that the intersection of what is needed, and what I'm good at, is to be a math teacher." She completed her master's degree in secondary mathematics education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and has been a high school math teacher (grades 9-12) ever since.
As part of Louise's teaching responsibilities, she works with her 9th grade students on PSAT prep and with her 11th and 12th grade students on SAT prep. In addition to her teaching experience, she has tutored students privately in physics, calculus, and geometry.
Read MoreLouise believes that any student can be successful in school when given structure, clear expectations, and appropriate support. She says, "I work with a lot of special education students, and they rise to the same level as everyone else in the class, though the support they need is sometimes different, whether it is with extended time, or flashcards, or some one-on-one practice." In her career as a math teacher, the accomplishment she is most proud of is bringing pass rates on the state algebra test at her school from approximately 60% the year she started to 100% last year.
Outside of teaching and tutoring, Louise enjoys biking, swimming, and reading. In high school she lettered in debate and speech and was president of the debate team, winning awards at both the local and state levels. Her interests include personal finance, foreign languages, spending time with her fiance, and Christianity.
Read LessLouise graduated from the University of Virginia, where she majored in computer science and minored in math. She decided that she wanted to do something that made a difference. According to Louise, "I found out that the intersection of what is needed, and what I'm good at, is to be a math teacher." She completed her master's degree in secondary mathematics education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and has been a high school math teacher (grades 9-12) ever since.
As part of Louise's teaching responsibilities, she works with her 9th grade students on PSAT prep and with her 11th and 12th grade students on SAT prep. In addition to her teaching experience, she has tutored students privately in physics, calculus, and geometry.
Read MoreLouise believes that any student can be successful in school when given structure, clear expectations, and appropriate support. She says, "I work with a lot of special education students, and they rise to the same level as everyone else in the class, though the support they need is sometimes different, whether it is with extended time, or flashcards, or some one-on-one practice." In her career as a math teacher, the accomplishment she is most proud of is bringing pass rates on the state algebra test at her school from approximately 60% the year she started to 100% last year.
Outside of teaching and tutoring, Louise enjoys biking, swimming, and reading. In high school she lettered in debate and speech and was president of the debate team, winning awards at both the local and state levels. Her interests include personal finance, foreign languages, spending time with her fiance, and Christianity.
Read Less"I do my best to engage students' interests and guide them so that they’re able to make sound choices, even under pressure"
Gabrielle has worked with students from kindergarten to adults, mostly focusing on high school and college-level students. Having developed curricula and published a book for English language learners, she is well-versed in the best practices to help students approach learning with less stress and more efficiency. Her background in science and pre-med has given her expert knowledge she’s eager to pass on—in school, her nickname was “the physics queen!” She’s proud to share that her students have made significant improvements in their grades and test scores. “I find joy in helping others through their challenges and when they are able to achieve their best,” she shares.
Read MoreGabrielle received a BA in teacher education from Boston College. She also holds a BA in biology from the University of North Georgia, where, as of winter 2023, she is a clinical dental assistant. In addition to tutoring, she’s excited to go to dental school to become a dentist.
Gabrielle sees herself as an adaptable facilitator. “I do my best to strengthen their weaknesses by delving deeper into what is inhibiting them from navigating through certain topics and problems,” she explains. Whether they’re looking to strengthen any weaknesses or tackle higher-level concepts, she’s adaptable and methodological in her approach, often using “illustrations, references from other subjects, analogies,” to find what sticks. Regarding test prep, time-management skills are her forte! “I do my best to engage students' interests and guide them so that they’re able to make sound choices, even under pressure,” she adds.
A Mathematics Olympiad champion in high school, Gabrielle also earned the US Presidential Award—in both 1994 and 1998—for her academic excellence. Her exemplary score on the math regents exam earned her the Regents Scholarship in 2020 and 2021.
A music lover, Gabrielle loves singing in her free time. She was even part of a university chorale that toured all over Europe. She’s currently a member of a local chorale society that puts on biannual concerts and, “each year,” she says, “my school has a joint concert where we sing with the Boston Symphony and Boston Pops Orchestras!”
Read LessGabrielle has worked with students from kindergarten to adults, mostly focusing on high school and college-level students. Having developed curricula and published a book for English language learners, she is well-versed in the best practices to help students approach learning with less stress and more efficiency.
Read MoreHer background in science and pre-med has given her expert knowledge she’s eager to pass on—in school, her nickname was “the physics queen!” She’s proud to share that her students have made significant improvements in their grades and test scores. “I find joy in helping others through their challenges and when they are able to achieve their best,” she shares.
Gabrielle received a BA in teacher education from Boston College. She also holds a BA in biology from the University of North Georgia, where, as of winter 2023, she is a clinical dental assistant. In addition to tutoring, she’s excited to go to dental school to become a dentist.
Gabrielle sees herself as an adaptable facilitator. “I do my best to strengthen their weaknesses by delving deeper into what is inhibiting them from navigating through certain topics and problems,” she explains. Whether they’re looking to strengthen any weaknesses or tackle higher-level concepts, she’s adaptable and methodological in her approach, often using “illustrations, references from other subjects, analogies,” to find what sticks. Regarding test prep, time-management skills are her forte! “I do my best to engage students' interests and guide them so that they’re able to make sound choices, even under pressure,” she adds.
A Mathematics Olympiad champion in high school, Gabrielle also earned the US Presidential Award—in both 1994 and 1998—for her academic excellence. Her exemplary score on the math regents exam earned her the Regents Scholarship in 2020 and 2021.
A music lover, Gabrielle loves singing in her free time. She was even part of a university chorale that toured all over Europe. She’s currently a member of a local chorale society that puts on biannual concerts and, “each year,” she says, “my school has a joint concert where we sing with the Boston Symphony and Boston Pops Orchestras!”
Read Less“ students opportunities to do rigorous work in an authentic way that they can easily build into their understanding of themselves as able doers.”
Thomas graduated cum laude from Harvard University with a bachelor’s in biomedical engineering, and he earned his master’s in curriculum and teaching at Boston University. He is currently pursuing a PhD in computer science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Following college, Thomas joined Teach for America and taught high school geometry, pre-calculus, algebra 2, informatics, and chemistry. However, he focused primarily on increasing access to high-quality instruction in public schools. To this end, he has worked as a curriculum designer, an instructional coach, and a tutor in the hopes of bringing the joy of rigorous learning to all students. Thomas has garnered a wealth of accolades for his academic and teaching skills. As a high-school student, he was a National Merit Semi-Finalist and AP Scholar. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Merit by a Michigan representative for outstanding academic achievement, along with the GE Star Award for promise in the engineering field. In the teaching arena, he earned the Excellence in Teaching and Learning award from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, which recognizes teachers with excellent student ratings. Finally, Thomas received the Classroom Innovator Prize for design and implementation of a rigorous, standards-aligned project-based learning opportunity in his classroom.
Read MoreThomas’ introduction to tutoring occurred during high school, and he began teaching when he was an undergraduate teaching fellow. As a teaching fellow, he taught multivariable calculus, physics, and computational music theory. When asked about his approach to working with students, Thomas shared that he focuses on “giving students opportunities to do rigorous work in an authentic way that they can easily build into their understanding of themselves as able doers.” One of his greatest thrills about assisting students is the fact that “the student walks away feeling a sense of confidence or empowerment.” Thomas feels that empowerment leads to the development of one’s self-identity as a student and learner “who can solve hard problems, build new understandings from complicated ideas, and communicate their ability to the world.”
During his high school and college years, Thomas competed in equestrian sports. At Harvard, he was the co-captain of the college polo team, and he played nationally and internationally as an undergraduate. These days, Thomas enjoys skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and cycling. Fun fact: Thomas grew up on a farm that had goats, horses, sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, ducks, and llamas."
Read LessThomas graduated cum laude from Harvard University with a bachelor’s in biomedical engineering, and he earned his master’s in curriculum and teaching at Boston University. He is currently pursuing a PhD in computer science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Read MoreFollowing college, Thomas joined Teach for America and taught high school geometry, pre-calculus, algebra 2, informatics, and chemistry. However, he focused primarily on increasing access to high-quality instruction in public schools. To this end, he has worked as a curriculum designer, an instructional coach, and a tutor in the hopes of bringing the joy of rigorous learning to all students. Thomas has garnered a wealth of accolades for his academic and teaching skills. As a high-school student, he was a National Merit Semi-Finalist and AP Scholar. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Merit by a Michigan representative for outstanding academic achievement, along with the GE Star Award for promise in the engineering field. In the teaching arena, he earned the Excellence in Teaching and Learning award from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, which recognizes teachers with excellent student ratings. Finally, Thomas received the Classroom Innovator Prize for design and implementation of a rigorous, standards-aligned project-based learning opportunity in his classroom.
Thomas’ introduction to tutoring occurred during high school, and he began teaching when he was an undergraduate teaching fellow. As a teaching fellow, he taught multivariable calculus, physics, and computational music theory. When asked about his approach to working with students, Thomas shared that he focuses on “giving students opportunities to do rigorous work in an authentic way that they can easily build into their understanding of themselves as able doers.” One of his greatest thrills about assisting students is the fact that “the student walks away feeling a sense of confidence or empowerment.” Thomas feels that empowerment leads to the development of one’s self-identity as a student and learner “who can solve hard problems, build new understandings from complicated ideas, and communicate their ability to the world.”
During his high school and college years, Thomas competed in equestrian sports. At Harvard, he was the co-captain of the college polo team, and he played nationally and internationally as an undergraduate. These days, Thomas enjoys skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and cycling. Fun fact: Thomas grew up on a farm that had goats, horses, sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, ducks, and llamas."
Read LessShe works at building her students' self-confidence and provides understandable methods for tackling mathematical equations. She is an extremely dedicated teacher and has boosted my son's math grade up two levels!
Our tutor made math fun! I wouldn't want her to change in any way! She was great!
Our StudyPoint tutor really helped my son a lot with both the subject material and test taking skills. His work with my son even helped him to approach math with a new attitude of confidence — his grades in pre-calculus have improved, too.
Our tutor was perfect for my daughter. She became very committed to the process, bringing a C in pre-calc up to solid A's over the last two months. The tutoring and ACT prep have been extremely successful and will certainly have an impact on my daughter's college acceptance.
Great news, I just got into my number one choice! StudyPoint is an exceptional organization led by dedicated and highly professional college counselors and tutors. I had a wonderful time with Dr. Alex, a true expert who helped me, was thoughtful, fun, and encouraged me to bring out my best self. I recommend StudyPoint 100% to families who want the best for their children. This is one of the happiest periods in my life and would not have been possible without the team at StudyPoint’s dedication and work.
Sam S.
The Program Manager and our tutor were both highly professional and genuinely interested in our son's success throughout the process.
The tutors have been knowledgeable, helpful, and flexible. I have recommend StudyPoint to friends who have also had great experiences like mine.
If all you need is a great calculus tutor, we have you covered. But for families and students who want more support on the path to college and graduate school, we offer admissions counseling, test preparation, and academic tutoring in array of high school and college subjects.
Tutors are Employees, Not Sub-Contractors | ||||||
Experienced Program Management Team | ||||||
Devoted Program Manager | ||||||
In-Home Option | ||||||
Online Option |
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