50,000 success stories since the 1990's

Personalized Physics Tutoring For High School & College

Expert tutoring focused on your unique needs

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StudyPoint's Unique Approach to Physics Tutoring

Custom Pace
Custom Pace

Personalized lessons ensure you “get it” before moving on.

Your Work
Your Work

Lessons focus on your classwork, as well as preparing for important tests, quizzes and other assignments.

Chemistry Experts
Physics Experts

Highly experienced physics staff who are passionate about sharing their knowledge.

Better Grades
Better Grades

Our shared goal is you earning top grades in your physics class.

We Make It Easy
We Make It Easy

We set you up quickly, work within your schedule, and there’s no monthly commitment or “membership”.

Discover the StudyPoint Advantage

Decades of experience
Decades of experience

We've helped 50,000 students since the 1990's, and have grown through returning customers and referrals.

No Sub-Contractors
No Sub-Contractors

Our carefully screened physics staff are StudyPoint employees, not sub-contractors or 1099s.

Personalization first
Personalization first

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every student is unique, and our programs are tailored to match their distinct learning style.

Unmatched satisfaction
Unmatched satisfaction

Our customer satisfaction speaks for itself, and rivals top brands like Apple and Amazon.

How It Works

Initial Call

Initial Call

We work quickly and we make it easy to get started with an expert tutor from our physics staff

Start Your Sessions

Start Your Sessions

After your first session with your tutor we will check in to make sure you’re off to a good start.

Ongoing Support

Ongoing Support

Your Program Manager is in regular communication to ensure we’re meeting your program goals.

Meet Some Of Our Expert Physics Tutors

Brandy H.
Brandy H.

"I strive as much as possible to use Socratic dialogue in order to elicit as much information from the student as I can”

Brandy earned her bachelor's in physics from Yale University. When she realized she didn't want to pursue graduate school in physics or astronomy, she remembered how much she enjoyed her high-school physics class and decided to become a teacher.

She taught high-school physics for ten years, seven in public schools and three in private. Her course load included all levels and abilities, from conceptual through AP physics B, as well as inclusion physical science, astronomy, and geometry. She was adjunct faculty in the department of physics at the University of Connecticut for two years as part of the early college experience program. She holds current certifications in physics 7 - 12 and mathematics 7 - 12 in two states. She also did eventually decide to return for her master's in physics from Arizona State University.

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In 2010, she was selected to participate in the National Science Foundation Summer Institute in Physics and Physical Science for In-Service K-12 Teachers to learn the Physics by Inquiry curriculum developed by the University of Washington's Physics Education Group.

"Asking students to articulate their understanding in their own words reveals any misconceptions or points that need additional clarification more effectively than asking questions that can be answered with a few words or with yes or no." The research Brandy did for her master's degree demonstrated "the necessity of building conceptual understanding in order for students of physics to develop effective, expert-like problem-solving strategies."

Brandy was active in both music and sports when she was in school. She played trumpet from elementary school through college, in marching, concert, and jazz bands in high school and in marching and concert bands in college. She played tennis for two years in high school.

She now goes swing, ballroom, and salsa dancing regularly. She is also a competitive runner, having completed two marathons, two half marathons, and a handful of shorter races. She raced her first duathlon this spring! In the last year, she has taken a series of mindfulness and meditation classes for personal enrichment. She also has a dog "who likes to take me on daily walks that get longer and longer as the weather gets nicer." Fun fact: As part of her undergraduate experience, she ran a telescope at Kitt Peak!

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Brandy earned her bachelor's in physics from Yale University. When she realized she didn't want to pursue graduate school in physics or astronomy, she remembered how much she enjoyed her high-school physics class and decided to become a teacher.

She taught high-school physics for ten years, seven in public schools and three in private. Her course load included all levels and abilities, from conceptual through AP physics B, as well as inclusion physical science, astronomy, and geometry. She was adjunct faculty in the department of physics at the University of Connecticut for two years as part of the early college experience program. She holds current certifications in physics 7 - 12 and mathematics 7 - 12 in two states. She also did eventually decide to return for her master's in physics from Arizona State University.

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In 2010, she was selected to participate in the National Science Foundation Summer Institute in Physics and Physical Science for In-Service K-12 Teachers to learn the Physics by Inquiry curriculum developed by the University of Washington's Physics Education Group.

"Asking students to articulate their understanding in their own words reveals any misconceptions or points that need additional clarification more effectively than asking questions that can be answered with a few words or with yes or no." The research Brandy did for her master's degree demonstrated "the necessity of building conceptual understanding in order for students of physics to develop effective, expert-like problem-solving strategies."

Brandy was active in both music and sports when she was in school. She played trumpet from elementary school through college, in marching, concert, and jazz bands in high school and in marching and concert bands in college. She played tennis for two years in high school.

She now goes swing, ballroom, and salsa dancing regularly. She is also a competitive runner, having completed two marathons, two half marathons, and a handful of shorter races. She raced her first duathlon this spring! In the last year, she has taken a series of mindfulness and meditation classes for personal enrichment. She also has a dog "who likes to take me on daily walks that get longer and longer as the weather gets nicer." Fun fact: As part of her undergraduate experience, she ran a telescope at Kitt Peak!

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"Based on my own struggles learning complex concepts in math and physics, I find it immensely satisfying to help a student see a new way of looking at the physical and natural world around us"

Boasting twenty years as a student and researcher in science, Ravi has adopted a philosophy that positions inquiry and discovery above all. "To me, knowledge and understanding—whether of the world around us or of myself—are the ultimate goals. As Socrates said, 'An unexamined life is not worth living,'" he shares. Ravi's quest for knowledge led him to earn four degrees: a BTech in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology; an MS in environmental engineering from the University of Cincinnati; an MS in geosciences from the University of Kentucky; and, lastly, a PhD in geophysics from the California Institute of Technology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Taiwan University for over four years, an experience he immensely enjoyed both in terms of the friendly people and colorful culture. He has also worked as an environmental engineer, focusing on designing steel buildings.

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Ravi has been tutoring both in-person and online for almost three years and has helped over fifty students in physics (including mechanics, electrodynamics, circuits, thermodynamics, and geophysics), calculus, differential equations, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and earth science. He finds it so rewarding to see his students make connections between different disciplines. He is proud to share that his students have seen significant grade improvements; furthermore, several students have returned to work with him for successive semesters.

As a teacher, Ravi wants to nurture his students' curiosity and promote the practice of life-long learning. "From my own experience with learning," he says, "I have come to value the profound role that critical thinking—based on intuition and quantitative reasoning—plays in understanding complex phenomena." He firmly believes in the Socratic method of teaching: asking questions customized to each student's interests and abilities to help them efficiently approach and solve a given problem.

Ravi garnered many awards during his schooling, including a Gugenberg Fellowship and Pirtle Fellowship at Caltech as well as the Commonwealth Research Award at the University of Kentucky.

In his free time, Ravi enjoys road biking, backpacking, swimming, and hiking in nature.

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Boasting twenty years as a student and researcher in science, Ravi has adopted a philosophy that positions inquiry and discovery above all. "To me, knowledge and understanding—whether of the world around us or of myself—are the ultimate goals. As Socrates said, 'An unexamined life is not worth living,'" he shares. Ravi's quest for knowledge led him to earn four degrees: a BTech in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology; an MS in environmental engineering from the University of Cincinnati; an MS in geosciences from the University of Kentucky; and, lastly, a PhD in geophysics from the California Institute of Technology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Taiwan University for over four years, an experience he immensely enjoyed both in terms of the friendly people and colorful culture. He has also worked as an environmental engineer, focusing on designing steel buildings.

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Ravi has been tutoring both in-person and online for almost three years and has helped over fifty students in physics (including mechanics, electrodynamics, circuits, thermodynamics, and geophysics), calculus, differential equations, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and earth science. He finds it so rewarding to see his students make connections between different disciplines. He is proud to share that his students have seen significant grade improvements; furthermore, several students have returned to work with him for successive semesters.

As a teacher, Ravi wants to nurture his students' curiosity and promote the practice of life-long learning. "From my own experience with learning," he says, "I have come to value the profound role that critical thinking—based on intuition and quantitative reasoning—plays in understanding complex phenomena." He firmly believes in the Socratic method of teaching: asking questions customized to each student's interests and abilities to help them efficiently approach and solve a given problem.

Ravi garnered many awards during his schooling, including a Gugenberg Fellowship and Pirtle Fellowship at Caltech as well as the Commonwealth Research Award at the University of Kentucky.

In his free time, Ravi enjoys road biking, backpacking, swimming, and hiking in nature.

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Todd H.
Todd H.

"I have always enjoyed explaining things to people and I particularly love the excitement that comes when someone suddenly grasps a previously elusive concept or makes a connection that blows their mind"

A conscientious, deliberative, and highly analytical tutor, Todd has a passion for learning new things and developing methods to improve processes or solve problems. "My greatest joy, however, is seeing the spark of recognition when someone grasps a challenging concept that has been eluding them or suddenly sees a concept from a whole new perspective," he says. Todd holds a BS in naval architecture from the United States Naval Academy, an MS in astronautical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, an MA in national security and strategic studies from the Naval War College, and an MBA from Florida State University. He also has a Graduate Certificate in Public Financial Management from American University. While at the United States Naval Academy and the Naval War College, Todd graduated with merit and distinction. At the Naval Postgraduate School, he earned the Space Systems Engineering Award and was a member of Eta Kappa Nu for academic performance. At Florida State University, he was a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi for academic performance.

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Todd is a retired Nuclear Submarine Officer with over twenty-two years in the United States Navy, where he served in a variety of roles and visited many parts of the world. After retiring from the Navy, Todd was an operations manager for Amazon but ultimately left that to work as an engineer for a semiconductor manufacturer, where he continues to work full time. His time in the Navy gave him extensive practical experience working with an extensive array of technical equipment based on a broad range of physical principles. "These roles have afforded me the opportunity to employ math and physics in a practical setting on a daily basis," he says. "The routine employment of math in a practical context gives me a different perspective and a straightforward approach to problem-solving that my students find helpful."

Todd has been tutoring for over two years, primarily online, and with a focus on SAT prep. He has also tutored ACT, PSAT, SAT, physics and math level 2 subject test, AP calculus, AP physics, and the New York High School Regents Exams. In addition to the underlying concepts, Todd covers test-taking strategies to help students make the most of their time during the exam. With respect to academic subjects, he has tutored primarily physics at the high school and college levels, but also math (algebra II through calculus), engineering, and economics.

When asked about his tutoring style, Todd notes that he does not particularly enjoy lecturing but prefers ongoing dialog so he can continuously assess the effectiveness of his approach and adjust it accordingly, speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction, as necessary. As such, he tends to ask a lot of questions. "That helps keep the student engaged while facilitating my identification of the particular aspects that are giving them trouble so I can focus on those areas," Todd says. "I also prefer to use questions to lead a student to the right answer rather than just give them the answer. I believe that helps them remember it." Once the problem and its method of solution are understood, Todd supplements with tips, shortcuts, or the effect on the solution if the question is asked slightly differently.

In high school, Todd ran track in high school to support his application to the United States Naval Academy and improve his self-discipline. He has also participated on the debate team in high school and was an Eagle Scout. He enjoys reading, playing games, and watching movies. "I have visited 16 different countries, but despite living in Southern California for several years, Mexico is not one of them."

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A conscientious, deliberative, and highly analytical tutor, Todd has a passion for learning new things and developing methods to improve processes or solve problems. "My greatest joy, however, is seeing the spark of recognition when someone grasps a challenging concept that has been eluding them or suddenly sees a concept from a whole new perspective," he says. Todd holds a BS in naval architecture from the United States Naval Academy, an MS in astronautical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, an MA in national security and strategic studies from the Naval War College, and an MBA from Florida State University. He also has a Graduate Certificate in Public Financial Management from American University. While at the United States Naval Academy and the Naval War College, Todd graduated with merit and distinction. At the Naval Postgraduate School, he earned the Space Systems Engineering Award and was a member of Eta Kappa Nu for academic performance. At Florida State University, he was a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi for academic performance.

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Todd is a retired Nuclear Submarine Officer with over twenty-two years in the United States Navy, where he served in a variety of roles and visited many parts of the world. After retiring from the Navy, Todd was an operations manager for Amazon but ultimately left that to work as an engineer for a semiconductor manufacturer, where he continues to work full time. His time in the Navy gave him extensive practical experience working with an extensive array of technical equipment based on a broad range of physical principles. "These roles have afforded me the opportunity to employ math and physics in a practical setting on a daily basis," he says. "The routine employment of math in a practical context gives me a different perspective and a straightforward approach to problem-solving that my students find helpful."

Todd has been tutoring for over two years, primarily online, and with a focus on SAT prep. He has also tutored ACT, PSAT, SAT, physics and math level 2 subject test, AP calculus, AP physics, and the New York High School Regents Exams. In addition to the underlying concepts, Todd covers test-taking strategies to help students make the most of their time during the exam. With respect to academic subjects, he has tutored primarily physics at the high school and college levels, but also math (algebra II through calculus), engineering, and economics.

When asked about his tutoring style, Todd notes that he does not particularly enjoy lecturing but prefers ongoing dialog so he can continuously assess the effectiveness of his approach and adjust it accordingly, speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction, as necessary. As such, he tends to ask a lot of questions. "That helps keep the student engaged while facilitating my identification of the particular aspects that are giving them trouble so I can focus on those areas," Todd says. "I also prefer to use questions to lead a student to the right answer rather than just give them the answer. I believe that helps them remember it." Once the problem and its method of solution are understood, Todd supplements with tips, shortcuts, or the effect on the solution if the question is asked slightly differently.

In high school, Todd ran track in high school to support his application to the United States Naval Academy and improve his self-discipline. He has also participated on the debate team in high school and was an Eagle Scout. He enjoys reading, playing games, and watching movies. "I have visited 16 different countries, but despite living in Southern California for several years, Mexico is not one of them."

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Katie H.
Katie H.

“The most important tool is to be able to think critically about a problem and apply all the concepts later on”

Katie received a BS in aerospace engineering (with a minor in cinematic arts) from the University of Southern California. While pursuing her degree, she also taught high school students in Latin, math, and science. Her students saw at least a full letter grade improvement in each subject! While working as an engineer with an aerospace and defense company, she taught students in the Middle East how to design, build, and fly remote-controlled air vehicles. She later earned an MS in systems engineering from Cornell University. For the last ten years, she has worked as a mechanical engineer, consultant, and project manager at several defense companies and tech firms in Southern California.

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Katie’s style is focused on building students’ critical thinking skills. “The most important tool is to be able to think critically about a problem and apply all the concepts later on,” she says. She enjoys analyzing students’ learning blocks and finding creative ways to help them process information in a way that works for them. “I understand that each individual learns in different ways and at different speeds,” she says. Her hyperbolic sense of humor keeps students engaged and eases any stress about the learning process.

At USC, Katie was on the Dean’s list and received a scholarship for her stellar academic performance. She was also on an intramural volleyball team for two years.

When she’s not tutoring or designing airborne objects, she enjoys surfing, painting, and reading. She loves cooking Italian food and is currently perfecting her tomato sauce and meatballs.

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Katie received a BS in aerospace engineering (with a minor in cinematic arts) from the University of Southern California. While pursuing her degree, she also taught high school students in Latin, math, and science. Her students saw at least a full letter grade improvement in each subject! While working as an engineer with an aerospace and defense company, she taught students in the Middle East how to design, build, and fly remote-controlled air vehicles. She later earned an MS in systems engineering from Cornell University. For the last ten years, she has worked as a mechanical engineer, consultant, and project manager at several defense companies and tech firms in Southern California.

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Katie’s style is focused on building students’ critical thinking skills. “The most important tool is to be able to think critically about a problem and apply all the concepts later on,” she says. She enjoys analyzing students’ learning blocks and finding creative ways to help them process information in a way that works for them. “I understand that each individual learns in different ways and at different speeds,” she says. Her hyperbolic sense of humor keeps students engaged and eases any stress about the learning process.

At USC, Katie was on the Dean’s list and received a scholarship for her stellar academic performance. She was also on an intramural volleyball team for two years.

When she’s not tutoring or designing airborne objects, she enjoys surfing, painting, and reading. She loves cooking Italian food and is currently perfecting her tomato sauce and meatballs.

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50,000 success stories since the 1990's

A brilliant mix of discipline and fun

Our tutor's ability to communicate with our child was a brilliant mix of discipline and fun, and it struck the perfect chord with her. Thank you all again. The program was a great investment and it has provided us everything we had hoped and more.


Our tutor assessed exactly what my daughter's needs...

Our tutor assessed exactly what my daughter's needs were and concentrated on those needs. She was wonderful.


She was able to relate our son's studies to things he was interested in...

We were very pleased with our physics tutor. She was able to relate our son's studies to things he was interested in, therefore making it easier for him to learn. He looked forward to her coming each week and he did well in that class.

StudyPoint Parent

Our son raised his grade from a C to a B

Our son has struggled since middle school with grades in math and the sciences, and he really needed the opportunity to believe in his own abilities. Our StudyPoint tutor was great at engaging our son in his own discovery of the next step he needed to take to become the best student he can be. Our son raised his grade from a C to a B by finals, and is continuing on an upward trend.


My son had the best grades

My son had the best grades of his year during the marking periods when he was in the tutoring program.

Jill C.

StudyPoint was the right choice!

Great news, I just got into my number one choice! StudyPoint is an exceptional organization led by dedicated and highly professional college counselors and tutors. I had a wonderful time with Dr. Alex, a true expert who helped me, was thoughtful, fun, and encouraged me to bring out my best self. I recommend StudyPoint 100% to families who want the best for their children. This is one of the happiest periods in my life and would not have been possible without the team at StudyPoint’s dedication and work.

Sam S.

[Our daughter] got a 30 on her ACT. We could all not be any happier.

I just wanted to share the happy news with you. I knew from the minute she started working with you she was going to improve. Whatever you did was magic and just what she needed.


Comprehensive Support

We Love Helping Students and Families

If all you need is a great physics tutor, we have you covered. But for families and students who want more support on the path to college and graduate school, we offer admissions counseling, test preparation, and academic tutoring in array of high school and college subjects.

When Success Meets Happiness

Beyond the A’s and accolades, the real reward is the confidence and joy our students exhibit. It’s the pride of acing a test, the thrill of understanding a challenging concept, and the smile accompanying a report card. Our goal? To make every student feel this way.

How We Stack Up Against the Competition

Tutors are Employees, Not Sub-Contractors
Experienced Program Management Team
Devoted Program Manager
In-Home Option
Online Option

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